Once upon a time........Raskoh

Home | News | Al-Dahná's Raskoh Ramsey | Al-Dahná's Shalimar | Once upon a time........Raskoh | Once upon a time....Shali | Show Results and Critics | Raskoh's Pedigree & Family Pictures | Shali's Pedigree & Family Pictures | Hot Summer Days | Winter Wonderland | Best friends | Playtime | Up in the mountains | Head Studys | Priceless Moments | Sai-I-Nara's Kim | Gold'N Copper Blues For U | Afghan Hound Reglementary | Puppy Prayer


Here's the first picture of my coming little afghan puppy from Al-Dahna's...doesn't he look gorgeous? This is the very first picture I got of him, and he's only 1 month old.He was born september 15th. 2001

Al-Dahna's Raskoh Ramsey 7 weeks old...and already knows how to pose.......

Where am I?
The very first day at his new home....

Raskoh looks sooo innocent,but.............


Oooops...I really wanna get that cat!!!!!
Only two months of age...trying to jump high enough,withouth luck

Raskoh 7 months of age,and dressed up for his first summer

So cute with his bearded face....
5 months

Raskoh here 6 months old

Raskoh 9 months old!

Toril Knutsen and her son Bent-Ove own the Al-Dahna's Kennel, and have over 30 years of experience with afghan hounds. They occasionally have puppies, but to them breeding isn't about the money;it's about getting perfect litters. So they are very specific about what dogs they use, and who gets to buy the puppies.I wish all breeders where as serious and responsible about what they are doing as Toril is, and I can only recommend anyone who wants a first class puppy, with temperaments that are beyond anything, to get in contact with Toril!

Torill has 30 years of experience with afghans.

Come back later and see pictures as the puppy grows!